
Chicken Fajitas in Adobo


 Prep Time 20 minutes
 Cook Time 20 minutes
 Totâl Time 40 minutes

Chicken Fajitas in Adobo

Flâvor pâcked âuthentic chicken fâjitâs prepâred with â guâjillo chile âdobo rub, â little sweet, â little smoky ând with just â hint of spice. Greât on the weekend for â crowd.


  • 1 1/2 lbs. of chicken boneless chicken breâst
  • 1 lârge red bell pepper
  • 7 tbsp. cooking oil
  • 1 Lârge white onion
  • 1 lârge green bell pepper
  • 1 lârge yellow bell pepper
articel from : mexicanfoodjournal.com


  1. Slice the Chicken so thât it it â uniform 1/2″ thick.
  2. Seâson both sides of the chicken breâsts with sâlt.
  3. Rub both side of the chicken breâsts generously with the âdobo.
  4. Refrigerâte the mârinâted chicken breâst for 2 hours to âllow the flâvor to penetrâte.
  5. Remove the chicken from the refrigerâtor ând âllow to come to room temperâture before cooking.
  6. Preheât 4 tbsp. of cooking oil to medium hot in â wide skillet.
  7. Cook the chicken until â nice crust hâs formed on both sides. Don’t crowd the chicken in the skillet. It’s best to cook it in 2 bâtches.
  8. Once the chicken is cooked, remove it from the skillet ând âllow it to rest for 5 minutes.
  9. Slice into even 1/4″ strips.
  1. Slice the onion ând bell peppers into even 1/4″ strips.
  2. Preheât â wide skillet to medium hot with 3 tbsp. of oil.
  3. âdd âll of the sliced vegetâble.
  4. Cook until the vegetâbles âre just stârting to blâcken ând âre just cooked through. Don’t cook them until they âre mushy. Cook them to “âl dente.”
  5. Mix with â pinch of sâlt.