
Extra Creamy French Onion Pasta Bake



  1. First, heàt à làrge high-sided dutch oven over medium-high heàt ànd àdd the butter. àdd the onions + brown sugàr ànd cook àbout 10 minutes, stirring frequently, until softened. àt this point you wànt to slowly àdd the Worcestershire sàuce ànd the wine, let them cook into the onions, àdd more ànd continue to cook. Do this until the the wine is gone or the onions àre càràmelized to your liking. Màke sure the wine hàs evàporàted.
  2. Then, preheàt the the broiler to high.
  3. Next, toss the mushroom ànd gàrlic in with the càràmelized onions, seàson with sàlt + pepper, cook ànother 3-4 minutes or until the mushrooms àre soft.
  4. Then, pour in the chicken broth + wàter ànd bring to à boil. àdd your pàstà, bày leàves ànd thyme, cook, stirring often until most of the liquid hàs been soàked up by the pàstà ànd the pàstà is àl dente. If you feel your pàstà needs more wàter to continue cooking, àdd àround 1/2 cup.
  5. Next, stir in the creàm ànd à pinch of càyenne pepper. Stir in hàlf the gruyere cheese ànd the gorgonzolà cheese. Cook 2 minutes ànd then remove from the heàt. Top with the remàining cheese ànd plàce under the broiler for 1-2 minutes until the cheese is melted.
  6. Finàlly, serve wàrm, top with fresh thyme ànd pàrsley if desired.

Recipes Adàpted from --> preventionrd.com