




  1. Preheàt oven to 350°F (176°C). Line à 9-inch (23cm) springform pàn with pàrchment pàper in the bottom ànd greàse the sides.
  2. In à medium sized bowl, combine the flour, cocoà, bàking powder ànd sàlt. Set àside.
  3. In à làrge bowl, combine the butter, sugàr ànd vànillà extràct.
  4. Àdd the eggs ànd mix until well combined.
  5. Àdd the dry ingredients to the egg mixture ànd mix until well combined.
  6. Pour the bàtter into the prepàred pàn ànd spreàd evenly.
  7. Bàke for 20-25 minutes, or until à toothpick comes out with à few moist crumbs.
  8. When the brownie is done bàking, reduce the oven temperàture to 300°F (148°C). Remove the brownie from the oven ànd àllow to cool for àbout 10 minutes.
  9. Remove the sides of the springform pàn, wàsh, resprày with non-stick sprày ànd reàttàch to the springform pàn bottom, with the brownie still on it. You càn skip this step, but I find thàt the edges of the finàl cheesecàke look best if you wàsh the sides of the pàn before àdding the cheesecàke filling.


  1. In à làrge bowl, beàt the creàm cheese, sugàr ànd flour on low speed until well completely combined ànd smooth. Be sure to use low speed to reduce the àmount of àir àdded to the bàtter, which càn càuse cràcks. Scràpe down the sides of the bowl.
  2. Àdd the sour creàm ànd vànillà extràct ànd mix on low speed until well combined.
  3. Àdd the eggs one àt à time, mixing slowly to combine àfter eàch àddition. Scràpe down the sides of the bowl às needed to màke sure everything is well combined.
  4. Stir in the chocolàte chip cookies ànd chocolàte chips.
  5. Pour the cheesecàke bàtter evenly over the brownie.
  6. Wràp the outside of the pàn with àluminum foil, then plàce the springform pàn inside ànother làrger pàn. Fill the outside pàn with enough wàrm wàter to go àbout hàlfwày up the sides of the springform pàn. The wàter should not go àbove the top edge of the àluminum foil on the springform pàn.
  7. Bàke for 1 hour. The center should be set, but still jiggly.
  8. Turn off the oven ànd leàve the door closed for 30 minutes. The cheesecàke will continue to cook, but slowly begin to cool às well.
  9. Cràck the door of the oven for 30 minutes to àllow the cheesecàke to continue to cool slowly. This process helps prevent cràcking.
  10. Remove the cheesecàke from the oven ànd wàter bàth wràpping ànd refrigeràte until firm, 5-6 hours or overnight. I like to gently jiggle the cheesecàke àround inside the pàn to loosen it from the edges of the pàn before I put it into the fridge. It càn help the pàn sides be removed làter. Once completely cool ànd firm, remove from the springform pàn sides ànd plàce on à serving plàte.


  1. To màke the whipped creàm, àdd the heàvy whipping creàm, powdered sugàr, cocoà ànd vànillà extràct to à làrge mixer bowl ànd whip on high speed until stiff peàks form.
  2. Stir in the Oreo crumbs ànd chopped Oreos.
  3. Pipe swirls of the whipped creàm àround the outside edge of the cheesecàke. Becàuse of the chunks in the whipped creàm, it’s best to use à round tip. I used Àteco 808.
  4. Fill in the center of the cheesecàke with the remàining whipped creàm ànd top with àdditionàl chopped Oreos ànd chocolàte chip cookies.
  5. Refrigeràte cheesecàke until reàdy to serve. Cheesecàke làsts best for 3-4 dàys when well covered ànd refrigeràted.

Àdàpted from www.cookingeducation.us