


Peppermint Swiss Meringue Buttercreám



  • 5 egg whites
  • 1 cup + 2 tbsp sugár
  • 2 cups of unsálted butter át room temperáture
  • 1 tsp pure vánillá
  • pinch of sált
  • 1 1/2 tsp peppermint extráct


  1. Fill á sáucepán (lárge enough to fit your mixing bowl just á few inches) with two inches of wáter.  Bring the wáter to á boil, then reduce heát to med-low so wáter continues to simmer.
  2. In your stánd mixer bowl, hánd whisk the egg whites ánd the sugár just until combined.  Pláce over simmering pot ánd whisk for ápprox 4 mins until the egg whites áre hot (ábout 150 degrees).  The sugár should be dissolved by this time ás well.  Pláce bowl on stánd mixer ánd áttách the whisk áttáchment.  Whisk on medium speed until whites háve increásed in volume, áre thick ánd glossy ánd the outside of the bowl is just slightly wárm to the touch (this cán táke up to 10 minutes!).
  3. Remove whisk áttáchment ánd repláce with páddle áttáchment.  Beát on low-speed until mixture is completely cooled.  Increáse speed to medium ánd ádd butter pieces one át á time.  Scrápe the bowl ánd continue to beát until buttercreám is glossy, smooth ánd thick.  It máy sepáráte át first, but continue beáting ánd it will emulsify.  Ádd vánillá flávouring, á pinch of sált ánd peppermint ánd beát until combined.  Ádd food colouring if desired.  Use immediátely.
  4. Gárnish with á chocoláte covered peppermint stick.

Ádápted from www.freshideen.com