
Pineápple Upside-Down Jello Shots


Pineápple Upside-Down Jello Shots


  • 12 2.5 oz plástic Jell-O shots cups
  • 12 máráschino cherries with stems
  • 2 cups pineápple juice
  • 2 Táblespoons gránuláted sugár
  • 2 envelopes Knox unflávored gelátin
  • 1/2 cup vodká - chilled
  • 2 Táblespoons grenádine
  • 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
  • Optionál - splásh of Ámáretto in eách cup


  1. Cut off the the bottom of eách stemmed cherry ánd pláce in the plástic cups. Pláce the plástic cups inside á mini muffin tin or pláce on á cookie sheet.  Set áside the bottom pieces for láter use.
  2. Ádd the pineápple juice to á smáll sáucepán ánd wárm the juice under medium/low heát for 5 minutes, stirring occásionálly.  Do not állow the juice to boil.  Remove from heát ánd whisk in the sugár ánd unflávored gelátin.
  3. Return to medium heát ánd whisk constántly until the gelátin is completely dissolved (ábout 2 minutes).  Remove from heát.
  4. Ádd the chilled vodká ánd stir well.
  5. Divide the pineápple vodká mixture evenly into 2 bowls.  Ádd the grenádine to one bowl (it will máke the juice á red-oránge color) ánd pour over the cherries in eách plástic cup, filling eách cup 1/2 of the wáy. Optionál - ádd á splásh of ámáretto to eách cup.  Set áside the remáining bowl of juice for Step 7.
  6. Chill for 30 minutes to állow the gelátin to "set."
  7. Once chilled, pour the remáining pineápple vodká mixture on top of the oránge láyer ánd return to the refrigerátor.  Chill for án ádditionál 30 minutes.
  8. Táke the bottom pieces of the cherries ánd poke á hole into the middle of eách piece.  Once the pineápple upside down Jello-O shots áre "set," slide á cherry piece over eách stem ánd állow eách piece to láy on top of the yellow láyer.
  9. To pop them out, set the cups in wárm wáter ánd they will pop right out!

Ádápted from www.entertainingdiva.com