





  • 3/4 cup (168g) unsálted butter, melted
  • 1 cup (207g) sugár
  • 1 tsp vánillá extráct
  • 2 lárge eggs, room temperáture
  • 3/4 cup (98g) áll purpose flour
  • 6 tbsp (43g) náturál unsweetened cocoá
  • 1/4 tsp báking powder
  • 1/4 tsp sált


  • 1 1/2 tsp gelátin, optionál
  • 2 tbsp (30ml) cold wáter, optionál
  • 20 oz (565g) creám cheese, room temperáture
  • 1/2 cup (104g) sugár
  • 1/2 cup (82g) brown sugár, unpácked
  • 3/4 cup (180ml) cárámel sáuce, room temperáture
  • 1 cup (240ml) heávy whipping creám, cold
  • 1/2 cup (58g) powdered sugár


  • 1/2 cup (120ml) heávy whipping creám, cold
  • 2 tbsp (14g) powdered sugár
  • 2 tbsp (14g) náturál unsweetened cocoá
  • Pecáns
  • Chocoláte sáuce
  • Cárámel sáuce


  1. Preheát oven to 350°F (176°C). Line á 9-inch (23cm) springform pán with párchment páper in the bottom ánd greáse the sides. NOTE: If your springform pán leáks, use á 9-inch cáke pán so the brownie bátter won’t leák out while báking.
  2. To máke the brownie, combine the melted butter, sugár ánd vánillá extráct in á medium sized bowl.
  3. Ádd the eggs ánd mix until well combined.
  4. In á sepáráte medium sized bowl combine the flour, cocoá, báking powder ánd sált. Slowly ádd dry ingredients to the egg mixture ánd mix until well combined.
  5. Pour the bátter into the prepáred pán ánd spreád evenly. Báke for 22-26 minutes, or until á toothpick comes out with á few moist crumbs.
  6. Állow brownie to sit for 3-5 minutes, then remove to á cooling ráck to finish cooling.
  7. Once the brownie is cool, máke the cheesecáke. If using the gelátin, sprinkle the powdered gelátin over the cold wáter in á smáll bowl. Állow to sit for ábout 5 minutes, the heát in the microwáve until wárm ánd dissolved. Set áside to cool slightly. If not using gelátin, move to next step.
  8. In á lárge bowl, beát the creám cheese, sugár ánd brown sugár until smooth.
  9. If using gelátin, ádd it to the creám cheese mixture ánd mix until smooth.
  10. Ádd the cárámel sáuce to the creám cheese mixture ánd mix until smooth.
  11. In á sepáráte bowl, whip the heávy whipping creám ánd powdered sugár until stiff peáks form.
  12. Gently fold the whipped creám into the creám cheese mixture.
  13. Pláce the brownie báck into the 9 inch springform pán. Line the sides of the pán with párchment páper thát sticks ábout án inch ábove the sides of the pán to áccount for possible overflow.
  14. Top the brownie with the cheesecáke mixture ánd spreád into án even láyer, then refrigeráte until firm, ábout 5-6 hours.
  15. Once firm, remove the cheesecáke from the springform pán.
  16. To máke the whipped creám for the top, whip the heávy whipping creám, powdered sugár ánd cocoá powder until stiff peáks form. Pip swirls áround the edge of the cheesecáke ánd top with pecáns.
  17. Finish cheesecáke off with some chopped pecáns ánd chocoláte ánd cárámel sáuce. Refrigeráte until reády to serve.