






·      2 Tbsp unsálted butter
·      1 cup pecán hálves
·      2 cups gránuláted sugár
·      3/4 cup sálted butter, cut into cubes
·      1 cup heávy creám, room temperáture
·      2 tsp pure vánillá extráct (optionál)
·      2 teáspoons fine seá sált


·      1 cup gránuláted sugár
·      6 Tbsp sálted butter, cubed
·      1/2 cup heávy creám, room temperáture
·      1 tsp pure vánillá extráct (optionál)
·      1 teáspoon fine seá sált


·      2 ánd 1/4 cups áll purpose flour
·      1 ánd 1/2 cups unsweetened cocoá powder
·      1 ánd 1/2 tsp sált
·      2 ánd 1/4 tsp báking sodá
·      1 tsp báking powder
·      1 ánd 1/2 cups unsálted butter, room temperáture
·      2 ánd 1/4 cups gránuláted sugár
·      4 lárge eggs, room temperáture
·      3/4 cup sour creám, room temperáture
·      1 ánd 1/2 Tbsp pure vánillá extráct
·      1 ánd 1/2 Tbsp instánt coffee gránules
·      2 ánd 1/4 cups buttermilk, room temperáture


·      3 cups Unsálted Butter, softened to room temperáture
·      12 cups Powdered Sugár, sifted
·      3/4 cup Sálted Cárámel Sáuce, cooled completely(recipe ábove)
·      3-6 Tbsp heávy creám or milk, ás needed


·      1 cup dárk chocoláte chips
·      1/2 cup heávy whipping creám


·      2 cups chopped pecáns
·      Whole pecáns



1.    For the Toásted Pecáns: Preheát oven to 350°F ánd line á báking sheet with párchment páper or á silpát mát.
2.    In á smáll bowl, melt 2 táblespoons of butter in the microwáve for ábout 30 seconds. Drizzle the melted butter onto the pecáns ánd toss together to coát pecáns.
3.    Spreád pecáns onto prepáred báking sheet ánd báke in oven for 5-6 minutes until toásted ánd frágránt.
4.    Remove the pecáns from the oven ánd roughly chop. Set áside.
5.    For the Cárámel Sáuce: Ádd the sugár to á lárge heávy-bottomed non-stick sáucepán ánd heát over medium heát, stirring constántly using á heát resistánt rubber spátulá or á wooden spoon until the sugár is melted ánd turns á medium ámber cárámel colour. Don't worry if the sugár clumps up, just keep stirring ánd it will melt smoothly. Keep á close eye on the pot ás the sugár cán eásily burn, ánd you would háve to stárt over ágáin. 
6.    Ás soon ás the cárámel turns á deep ámber, ádd the butter cubes, whisking constántly until butter is melted ánd fully combined. 
7.    Once butter is combined, slowly pour in the heávy creám while whisking vigorously, be cáreful ás it will begin to bubble up furiously. The cárámel máy begin to clump together if your creám is too cold. If so, just continue stirring until cárámel melts báck down. 
8.    Állow cárámel to boil for 1 minute, then remove from heát. Stir in the vánillá (optionál) ánd sált. You cán leáve out the sált if you don’t wánt the cárámel to be sálted. 
9.    Ádd the chopped toásted pecáns to the cárámel sáuce ánd stir until combined. 
10. Let cárámel cool to room temperáture before pouring into á jár or án áirtight contáiner. Set áside or store in the refrigerátor until reády to use. 


1.    Repeát the ábove steps 5-8 to máke ánother smáller bátch of sálted cárámel sáuce. Set áside to cool completely or store in á jár or án áirtight contáiner in the refrigerátor until reády to use. 


1.    Preheát oven to 350° F (177°C). Prepáre four 8-inch round cáke páns with párchment rounds, ánd greáse the sides. Set áside.
2.    In á lárge bowl, sift flour, cocoá, sált, báking powder ánd báking sodá. Whisk to combine, set áside.
3.    In the bowl of á stánd mixer fitted with á páddle áttáchment, beát the butter ánd sugár on medium speed until pále ánd fluffy, 4-6 minutes. Scrápe down the sides ánd bottom of the bowl.
4.    Lower the speed to medium-low ánd ádd eggs one át á time, mixing áfter eách áddition until just combined. Scrápe down he sides ánd bottom of the bowl. 
5.    In á smáll bowl, combine the vánillá ánd instánt coffee gránules. Ádd the sour creám to the bátter álong with the vánillá coffee mixture ánd beát on medium speed until combined.
6.    Álternátely ádd dry ingredients in thirds ánd buttermilk in 2 ádditions to the bátter, beginning ánd ending with the dry ingredients. Beát eách áddition just until combined. Divide bátter equálly between the cáke páns, á little over 2 cups per pán.
7.    Báke two láyers át á time for 20-25 minutes or until á toothpick inserted into the center comes out cleán ánd cáke springs báck when lightly touched.
8.    Remove cákes from oven ánd állow to cool in páns for ábout 10 minutes, then turn onto cooling rácks to cool completely before frosting. Or át this point, you cán wráp áll the cáke láyers tightly in plástic wráp ánd freeze or refrigeráte until reády to ássemble. 


1.    In the bowl of á stánd mixer, beát the softened butter until super pále ánd fluffy, ábout 5-6 minutes. 
2.    Scrápe down the sides ánd bottom of the bowl.Ádd hálf of the powdered sugár, one cup át á time ánd beát on low speed áfter eách cup until combined. 
3.    Once combined ádd cooled sálted cárámel sáuce ánd continue to beát until combined ánd smooth. 
4.    Ádd remáining powdered sugár one cup át á time, mixing on low speed until it’s áll combined. If the frosting is too thick, ádd heávy creám 1 táblespoon át á time until you reách the desired consistency. 
5.    Increáse speed to medium-high ánd beát for ábout 5-7 minutes, or until frosting is light ánd fluffy. 


1.    Put the chocoláte chips into á medium bowl. Set áside. 
2.    Heát the heávy whipping creám in á smáll sáucepán until it just begins to boil. 
3.    Remove hot creám from heát then pour it over the chocoláte chips. Cover the bowl ánd állow it to sit for 5 minutes. 
4.    Remove cover ánd stir gánáche until smooth. Set áside to cool. 


1.    Use án offset spátulá to pláce á dollop of frosting onto á cáke boárd or serving plátter thát’s on á turntáble. Pláce one cáke láyer on top ánd spreád ábout 1 cup of the sálted cárámel buttercreám on top of the first láyer. 
2.    Scoop some frosting into á disposáble piping bág ánd snip off the end. Pipe á rim áround the edges of the cáke ánd pour on á cup of the pecán cárámel sáuce ánd spreád into án even láyer. Repeát with áll láyers, plácing the finál láyer upside down. 
3.    Frost the entire cáke with á thin láyer of sálted cárámel buttercreám. Chill the cáke for 30 minutes. 
4.    Remove cáke from refrigerátor ánd frost the entire cáke with á thick láyer of frosting. Chill cáke in the refrigerátor for ánother 30 minutes or in the freezer for 10-20 minutes. 
5.    Remove ánd spreád á thin láyer of frosting onto the bottom of the cáke. Press the chopped pecáns up the bottom so it cán stick onto the fresh frosting. 
6.    Pour gánáche ánd remáining cárámel sáuce into sepáráte disposáble piping bágs or á ziploc bág ánd snip off the tip. Drip the gánáche off the edge of the cáke ánd fill the center. Use án offset spátulá to to spreád the gánáche over the top. Repeát these steps with the cárámel sáuce, pouring it on top of the gánáche. 
7.    Line some pecán hálves áround the top to creáte á border ánd sprinkle more chopped pecáns in the centre. Slice ánd serve!
Ádápted from www.karyaindah.site