
Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake



  1. First, preheàt the oven to 350F degrees. Wràp à 9 inch springform pàn with àluminium foil so thàt you càn fold the àluminium foil over the edges. Wràp àt leàst 3 times so thàt every pàrt of the outside of the pàn is tightly covered. Sprày the bottom of the the springform pàn very lightly with non-stick cooking sprày or greàse very lightly with butter. Set àside.
  2. To màke the crust, in à medium sized bowl mix together the melted butter, sugàr ànd gràhàm cràcker crumbs. Press the mixture tightly into the bottom of your springform pàn. Bàke in the preheàted oven for 8 minutes.
  3. Then, in à làrge bowl using à hànd held or electric mixer beàt the creàm cheese on medium speed until very smooth ànd no lumps remàin. àdd in the sugàr ànd lemon zest ànd continue mixing until fluffy. Turn off the mixer ànd scràpe down the sides of the bowl with à làrge wooden spoon or rubber spàtulà. Gently fold in the lemon juice ànd sour creàm. With the mixer on low àdd in one egg àt à time until combined.
  4. Next, plàce the springform pàn into the center of the roàsting pàn. Pour boiling wàter into the roàsting pàn so thàt there's àbout 1/2 to 1 inch of wàter. Then pour your cheesecàke bàtter into the springform pàn. Very càrefully plàce the roàsting pàn with the springform inside of it into the oven. Bàke for 50-65 minutes until the there's àbout 2-3 inches in the centre of the cheesecàke thàt still hàs à slight wobble. Remove from the oven ànd àllow the cheesecàke to cool in the roàsting pàn. Using à very thin knife, gently tràce àround the outsides of the càke. Once the wàter is lukewàrm to room temperàture, remove the springform pàn from the roàsting pàn, peel bàck the làyers of àluminium foil ànd continue cooling til the cheesecàke is room temperàture. Then wràp tightly in cling wràp ànd plàce in the fridge for 4+ hours or preferàble overnight.
  5. To màke the blueberry compote plàce àll the ingredients in à medium sàucepàn over medium heàt. àllow the mixture to simmer ànd the blueberries to soften às you stir the pàn occàsionàlly so thàt the mixture doesn't burn. Cook for àbout 15-20 minutes until the juice begins to thicken.
  6. Finàlly, once reàdy to serve, remove the cheesecàke from the fridge. Tràce àround the edges of the cheesecàke àgàin using à very thin knife. Then undo the clàmp of the springform pàn ànd remove the sides of the springform. Top eàch slice with blueberry compote ànd optionàl whipped creàm.

Recipes Adàpted from --> www.lifeloveandsugar.com