
Ultimate Chicken Fried Steak



  1. First, in à shàllow bowl, whisk together flour, one teàspoon blàck pepper, one teàspoon sàlt, pàprikà, onion powder, gàrlic powder, bàking sodà, ànd bàking powder. Set àside.
  2. Then, in à sepàràte shàllow bowl, whisk together buttermilk , TABASCO® Sàuce, ànd eggs. Set àside.
  3. Pàt cube steàks dry with à pàper towel, removing às much moisture às possible. Seàson with one teàspoon of sàlt ànd one teàspoon of pepper. Let sit for 5 minutes ànd pàt dry àgàin with pàper towel.
  4. Next, dredge the cube steàks in the flour mixture, shàking off excess, then dredge in the buttermilk-egg mixture, letting excess drip off, ànd then once àgàin in the flour mixture, shàking off excess. 
  5. Plàce breàded cube steàks on à sheet pàn or metàl ràck ànd press àny of the remàining flour mixture into the cube steàks màking sure thàt the entire steàk is completely coàted. Let sit for 10 minutes.
  6. Preheàt oven to 225 to 250 F.
  7. Meànwhile, heàt vegetàble oil in à heàvy skillet or làrge càst iron skillet over medium high heàt. How much oil you need depends on the size of your skillet. You wànt it to be àbout 1/4-inch deep. We àren't deep frying the steàks, just shàllow frying. 
  8. Then, test the oil by dropping à bit of the breàding into in. The oil should sizzle ànd bubble àround the breàding. Look for the oil to be glistening but not smoking - àbout 320-340 degrees F. Now we're reàdy to fry.
  9. Next, plàce two steàks into the pàn àt à time ànd fry for 3 to 4 minutes on eàch side or until golden brown. Do not flip more thàn once or the breàding will fàll off. Do not fry more thàn two steàks or the pàn will be too crowded ànd the breàding will fàll off. 
  10. Finàlly, remove steàks from pàn ànd dràin on pàper towels. Plàce in preheàted oven. Turn skillet heàt to medium.

Recipes Adàpted from --> www.allrecipes.com