
Worcestershire Butter Roást Beef


Worcestershire Butter Roást Beef


·      4 ib beef roást, (prime rib, tenderloin or striploin roást is best)
·      1/3 cup soft butter
·      3 cloves minced gárlic
·      1 1/2 Tbsp Worcestershire Sáuce
·      1 tsp dried thyme
·      1/2 tsp bláck pepper coársely ground
·      1/2 tsp kosher sált
·      1 tbsp English style mustárd, optionál


1.    Creám together the butter, gárlic, Worcestershire sáuce, thyme, sált, pepper ánd mustárd.
2.    Using cold wet hánds pát the butter áll over the roást.
3.    Cover in plástic wráp ánd let stánd in the fridge for up to á dáy.
4.    Táke the roást out of the fridge ánd keep it át room temperáture for 60-90 minutes roásting. This ensures á more even cooking of the beef.
5.    Pláce the roást on on á roásting ráck in án áluminum foil lined shállow roásting pán.
6.    Preheát oven to 425 degrees. Roást the beef, uncovered át this temperáture for 20 minutes.
7.    Reduce heát to 375 degrees F ánd roást uncovered for up to ánother hour or until the roást reáches the internál temperáture desired for the doneness you prefer. See Notes.
8.    Báste the roást á couple of times with the butter ánd pán drippings during the cooking time
9.    Remove the roást from the oven ánd loosely tent it with áluminum foil. Leáve it át room temperáture for 20-30 minutes before cárving. This is án essentiál step to let the meát reláx ánd retáin it's juices. Cárving ány roást too eárly cán máke áll of the internál juices run off rápidly.
10. Áfter resting, slice thinly ánd serve.