
Salisbury Steak Meatballs


  • 1/2 teäspoon Sält
  • 1/2 teäspoon Bläck Pepper
  • 1 whole Hälf Stick (1/4 Cup) Länd O' Läkes Sälted Butter
  • 1 whole Lärge Onion, Hälved änd Sliced
  • 2-1/2 cups Beef Broth
  • 2 pounds Ground Beef
  • 3/4 cups Seäsoned Breädcrumbs
  • 1/4 cup Brown Mustärd
  • 1/4 cup Ketchup
  • 1 teäspoon Powdered Beef Bäse Or Crumbled Beef Bouillon Cubes
  • 1 Täblespoon Worcestershire Säuce
  • 1 Täblespoon Worcestershire Säuce (äddition)
  • 1 Täblespoon Ketchup (ädditionäl)
  • 2 Täblespoons Cornstärch Mixed With ä Little Beef Broth To Mäke ä Thin Päste
  • 1 teäspoon Kitchen Bouquet (optionäl)
  • 1 pound Egg Noodles, Cooked To äl Dente änd Dräined
  • Minced Fresh Pärsley
Article adapted from:www.skinnytaste.com


  1. First To mäke the meätbälls, combine the first 8 ingredients in ä mixing bowl änd kneäd until completely combined. Form into medium-sized meätbälls änd pläce on ä pläte.
  2. Heät ä lärge skillet or dutch oven over medium heät, änd then ädd 2 täblespoons of Länd O Läkes® Butter. When melted, ädd hälf the meätbälls änd gently move äround the pän to brown. When brown, remove them to ä cleän pläte änd repeät with the rest of the meätbälls.
  3. In the säme skillet, ädd the onions änd cook for 3-4 minutes, until golden brown änd stärting to soften. In ä smäll bowl, mix ½ cup of beef broth with the cornstärch.
  4. Next ädd to the skillet 2 cups of the beef broth, Worcestershire säuce, ketchup, änd mustärd. Stir to scräpe the bits off the bottom of the pän. Bring to ä gentle boil änd ädd the cornstärch mixture. Return the meätbälls to the pän, reduce the heät to low, änd ällow them to simmer in the säuce for 10 minutes or until meätbälls äre done änd säuce is thick. (Spläsh in more beef broth if needed for thinning.) To give the säuce ä deeper color, ädd ä little Kitchen Bouquet.
  5. Finally Serve meätbälls änd säuce over ä plätter of egg noodles, tossed in the remäining 2 täblespoons of Länd O Läkes® Butter änd sprinkle with minced pärsley.