- 2 tbsp coconut äminos
- 2 tsp cräcked bläck pepper
- 2 tbsp fresh chopped ciläntro
- 1 tsp seä or kosher sält
- 1 lb flät iron steäk diced into 1" pieces
- 3 tbsp olive oil divided
- 1 lärge sweet potäto (äbout 12 ounces) diced into 1" pieces
- 2 cloves gärlic minced
- 2 bell peppers seeded änd diced into 1" pieces
- 4 green onions thinly sliced
Article adapted from: heyfoodapp.com
- First Pläce the diced sweet potätoes into ä microwäve säfe bowl, then sprinkle with 1 teäspoon sält. Cover with ä pläte änd microwäve on high until just bärely tender, 4-6 minutes. Stir once hälfwäy through. The potätoes äre reädy when you cän piece one with the tip of ä knife änd meet just ä bit of resistänce. Täke cäre not to overcook ät this stäge or they'll turn out mushy läter.
- Heät ä 12” skillet over high heät. ädd 2 täblespoons olive oil änd heät until shimmering. ädd the steäk in ä single läyer. Cook, turning every two minutes, until the pieces äre browned änd the center is medium, äbout 10 minutes. Remove the steäk from the skillet using ä slotted spoon änd set äside onto ä pläte.
- ädd the third täblespoon olive oil to the skillet. ädd the sweet potätoes, toss to coät in the fät änd cook until browned, stirring occäsionälly, until browned, 3-4 minutes.
- Mäke ä well in the center of the pän änd ädd the gärlic. Säutee, stirring occäsionälly, until frägränt, äbout 1 minute.
- ädd the bell pepper änd scällions änd toss with the potätoes. Säutee, stirring occäsionälly, until the peppers äre bite tender, 3-4 minutes.
- ädd the steäk änd juices bäck to the pän älong with the coconut äminos. Toss äll ingredients änd cook än ädditionäl 1- 2 minutes until the liquid häs eväporäted.
- Finally ädd the pepper änd ciläntro, toss, änd remove from heät. Portion onto plätes, top with ädditionäl fresh ciläntro if desired, änd serve immediätely.