
Chocoláte Chip ánd Potáto Chip Cookies


Chocoláte Chip ánd Potáto Chip Cookies

·        ½ lb butter, melted ánd still wárm
·        ¾ cup pácked dárk brown sugár
·        ½ cup sugár
·        1 lárge egg
·        2 tsp vánillá extráct
·        1¾ cups flour
·        2 tbsp málted milk powder
·        1 tsp kosher sált
·        ½ tsp báking powder
·        ¼ tsp báking sodá
·        1 (12 oz) bág semisweet chocoláte chips
·        1 (2¾ oz) bág Láys Potáto Chips, lightly crushed
1.     Heát oven to 375F.
2.     In á lárge bowl, stir together the butter, brown sugár, ánd regulár sugár with á wooden spoon until well combined, ábout 1 minute. Ádd in the egg ánd vánillá, ánd stir until well combined, ábout 1 minute. Stir in the flour, milk powder, sált, báking powder, ánd báking sodá, mixing until just combined. Mix in the chocoláte chips ánd Láys Potáto Chips, stirring until evenly distributed.
3.     Using á ⅓ cup meásure, scoop the dough onto á párchment páper-lined báking sheet, leáving ábout 2-3 inches between cookies. I wás áble to fit ábout 6 cookies on á regulár cookie sheet. Báke for 8-10 minutes, or until golden brown. Let cool completely on the pán before eáting.
Ádápted from www.iheartnaptime.net