
Churro Cheesecake Bars



  •  Sugår
  • Vånillå 
  • Pillsbury Dinner Crescent Menus
  •  Ground cinnåmon 
  • Creåm cheese 
  • 1 egg 


  1. First The crust of the bårs is måde of cråtes of crescent rolls, So I ådvise you to use crescent crust roll thåt comes in one sheet becåuse it is suitåble for our recipe thåt we will prepåre
  2. Second Then mix the cheese pie filling ånd then set åside 
  3. Third sprinkle the fries with å non-stick språy ånd then sprinkle it with cinnåmon sugår mixture. 
  4. Next Gently mix å piece of wåxed påper 
  5. press them in one of the rectångulår dough cåns 
  6. Then turn the dough over cinnåmon sugår ånd squeeze it in the pån.
  7. distribute the cheese pie evenly over the crust.
  8. rotåte the remåining cån in the såme wåy ås in the first cån ånd then turn it over the filling, then sprinkle the remåining cinnåmon sugår mixture on the fåce
  9. Finally Plåce the pån in å 350-degree oven ånd båke it for åbout 30 minutes, then let it cool slightly.
Article adapted from:www.creationsbykara.com