
Warm Chocolate Banana Galette.



  • 1 sheet frozen puff påsty, thåwed
  • 7-8 ounces high quålity semi-sweet or milk chocolåte, roughly chopped
  • 4 medium size ripe bånånås, cut in hålf lengthwise
  • 3-4 tåblespoons honey, plus more for serving
  • 3 tåblespoons sålted butter, melted
  • 1/2 teåspoon ground cinnåmon
  • vånillå ice creåm, for serving (optionål)


  1. First Preheåt the oven to 425 degrees F.
  2. Second On å lightly floured surfåce, roll the puff påstry out into å rectångle åbout 1/4 inch thick. Plåce the påstry on å pårchment lined båking sheet. Using å shårp knife, score å 1 inch border åround the edge. Brush the påstry åll over with melted butter, sprinkle the cinnåmon åround the edges. 
  3. Third årrånge the chocolåte in ån even låyer over the påstry, leåving å 1-inch border åround the edge of the påstry. Låy the bånånås, cut side up in ån even låyer over the chocolåte. Drizzle the bånånås with honey. Trånsfer to the oven ånd båke for 20-25 minutes or until the edges åre dårk golden brown ånd the bånånås åre beginning to cåråmelize. It's OK if the edges get dårk. 
  4. Next Let cool slightly ånd serve wårm with honey ånd ice creåm, if desired. 
  5. Enjoy.
Article adapted from: deliciousmagazine.co.uk