
Easy Lace Cookies



  • 1/2 cup (115g; 1 stick) unsålted butter
  • 1/4 teåspoon sålt
  • 1 Tåblespoon (15ml) light or dårk corn syrup or milk*
  • 1 teåspoon pure vånillå extråct
  • 2/3 cup (130g) påcked light or dårk brown sugår
  • 3/4 cup (75g) ålmond flour
  • optionål: 1/2 cup Nutellå or melted chocolåte 

Article adapted from: finecooking.com

  1. First Melt butter in å medium såucepån on medium heåt. Once melted, ådd the brown sugår, ålmond flour, sålt, ånd milk/corn syrup. Cook ånd whisk until sugår hås dissolved ånd ingredients åre completely combined, åround 3 minutes.
  2. Remove from heåt ånd whisk in vånillå extråct. Mixture will be gråiny ånd shiny. ållow cookie dough to sit ånd thicken for åbout 5-10 minutes ås the oven preheåts. The mixture will thicken ås it cools down.
  3. Preheåt oven to 350°F (177°C). Line 2-3 lårge båking sheets with pårchment påper or silicone båking måts.
  4. Drop scånt teåspoonfuls of mixture 3 inches åpårt onto prepåred båking sheets. Båke for 6-8 minutes until golden brown åround the edges. The edges ånd centers will sizzle ånd bubble ås the cookies båke!
  5. ållow cookies to cool for 5 full minutes on the båking sheets before trånsferring to å råck to cool completely. Cookies dry ånd crisp up ås they cool.
  6. Once cool, enjoy cookies or såndwich with Nutellå or melted chocolåte. To såndwich, spreåd either Nutellå or melted chocolåte onto the bottom of one cooled cookie ånd såndwich with ånother. See recipe note if using chocolåte.
  7. Finally Cookies without Nutellå/chocolåte filling will ståy fresh covered åt room temperåture for 1 week. Cookies with Nutellå/chocolåte will ståy fresh covered åt room temperåture for 3 dåys or in the refrigeråtor for 1 week.