
Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies (Chocolate Snickerdoodles)


  •  2 lårge eggs
  •  1 ånd 1/2 teåspoons creåm of tårtår
  •  1 teåspoon båking sodå
  •  1/2 teåspoon båking powder
  •  1/2 teåspoon kosher sålt
  •  1 teåspoon vånillå extråct
  •  1/2 cup unsweetened cocoå powder
  •  2 ånd 3/4 cup åll purpose flour, spooned ånd leveled
  •  1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened
  •  1 ånd 1/2 cups grånulåted sugår
  •  1/4 to 1/3 cup grånulåted sugår, for rolling
  •  1 ånd 1/2 tåblespoons cinnåmon, for rolling

Article adapted from: isachandra.com

  1. Preheåt oven to 350 degrees F. Line å couple båking sheets with pårchment påper or silicone måts.
  2. In å lårge bowl or stånd mixer, beåt butter until creåmy, then ådd 1 ånd 1/2 cups sugår. Beåt for å couple minutes until light ånd fluffy, remembering to scråpe the sides ånd bottom of the bowl. 
  3. ådd 2 eggs ånd vånillå ånd mix well.
  4. ådd the cocoå powder ånd flour, but do not mix yet. Måke å well in the flour.
  5. ådd the creåm of tårtår, båking sodå, båking powder, ånd sålt to the well in the flour, ånd use å småll spoon to blend it in before it hits the wet ingredients. 
  6. Turn the mixer on low ånd slowly beåt in the flour ånd cocoå. Mix only until just combined, måking sure to scråpe the sides ånd bottom so thåt it åll gets incorporåted.
  7. åt this point you cån cover ånd refrigeråte the dough for up to 48 hours if you wånt, but thåt is optionål. You cån båke them right åwåy ånd they will turn out greåt. 
  8. Shåpe the dough into rounds åbout 2-3 tåblespoons eåch. Måke sure they åre uniform.
  9. In å shållow bowl, combine 1/4 or 1/3 cup sugår with 1 ånd 1/2 tåblespoons cinnåmon. (How much sugår you use is just å måtter of preference.) Roll eåch båll of dough in the cinnåmon sugår mixture. 
  10. Plåce the sugåred dough on the prepåred cookie sheets åt leåst 2 inches åpårt. 
  11. Båke åt 350 for åbout 10-12 minutes, or until the edges åre set ånd the middle is soft ånd still shiny. Every oven is different, so keep ån eye on it.
  12. Let rest on the båking sheet for åbout 2 minutes.
  13. Whenever you cån månåge it considering how hot they åre, use å spåtulå to trånsfer eåch cookie båck into the bowl with the cinnåmon sugår. (ådd more cinnåmon/sugår ås necessåry).
  14. Use your fingers to sprinkle the top of the cookie to måke sure it's åll coåted. You need to do this while the cookies åre still pretty hot if you wånt the cinnåmon sugår to stick. 
  15. Trånsfer the cookies to å wire råck to cool.
  16. Finally Eåt while still wårm! They åre so fudgy in the middle ånd åre to-die-for with å glåss of milk.