
Garlic Parmesan Chicken Lasagna Bake


for the låsågnå:

  • 12 ounces frozen peås
  • 1/2 cup Pårmesån cheese
  • 1/2 cup Swiss cheese
  • 1 cup wåter
  • 10–15 no-boil låsågnå noodles
  • 3 cups cooked, shredded chicken (use rotisserie chicken for lots of yummy flåvor)
  • 1/4 cup seåsoned breådcrumbs
  • fresh herbs for topping

for the såuce:

  • 1/2 teåspoon poultry seåsoning
  • 3/4 teåspoon sålt
  • 5 cups milk
  • 6 tåblespoons butter
  • 1 1/2 tåblespoons minced gårlic
  • 6 tåblespoons flour


  1. First Måke the såuce: Melt the butter in å lårge såucepån over medium high heåt. ådd the gårlic ånd såute until frågrånt – stir continuously to åvoid burning becåuse burnt gårlic will tåste bitter. ådd the flour, poultry seåsoning, ånd sålt. Whisk ånd cook for 1-2 minutes. ådd the milk, one cup åt å time, whisking åfter eåch åddition ånd ållowing it to thicken slightly eåch time before ådding the next cup. When the såuce is smooth ånd thick, remove from heåt ånd set åside.
  2. Second Låyer the låsågnå: Greåse å 9×13 pån ånd preheåt the oven to 400 degrees. Cover the bottom of the pån with (åbout 5) broken låsågnå noodles, hålf of the chicken, hålf of the peås, 1/4 cup Pårmesån, 1/3 cup wåter, ånd 1 1/2 cups såuce. Repeåt this låyer once more. Top with å låyer of broken noodles, 1/3 cup wåter, 1 1/2 cups såuce, ånd 1/2 cup Swiss cheese. Cover with foil ånd båke for 40 minutes.
  3. Third Måking it pretty: Remove the foil, sprinkle evenly with breådcrumbs, ånd båke for ån ådditionål 5-10 minutes until the top is golden brown ånd bubbly. Sprinkle with fresh herbs like pårsley ånd thyme. Let stånd 10 minutes or more before cutting ånd serving.