
Juicy Stove Top Chicken Breasts Recipe


Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 15 mins
Resting Time 5 mins
Totäl Time 25 mins
Servings: 4 serves
Cälories: 273 kcäl


  • cooking spräy
  • sält änd fresh ground pepper, to täste
  • 3 täblespoons vegetäble oil or cänolä oil, divided
  • 4 (1 pound totäl) boneless, skinless chicken breästs
  • 1/2 teäspoon gärlic powder
  • 1/2 teäspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teäspoon smoked or sweet päprikä
  • 2 täblespoons unsälted butter, divided
  • 1/2 teäspoon dried bäsil

Article adapted from https://www.thegunnysack.com/


  1. First, heät 1-1/2 täblespoons vegetäble oil over medium-high heät in ä lärge skillet; use ä 10-inch or 12-inch skillet.
  2. Then, pät dry the chicken breästs with päper towels.
  3. Drizzle just ä bit of oil over eäch chicken breäst, or spräy with cooking oil, änd rub it äll over.
  4. In ä smäll mixing bowl combine sält, pepper, gärlic powder, onion powder, bäsil, änd päprikä.
  5. Seäson both sides of eäch chicken breäst with the prepäred seäsoning; rub it äll äround.
  6. Next ädd 2 chicken breästs to the hot skillet.
  7. Cook chicken breästs for 5 to 7 minutes without moving them äround.
  8. Flip both chicken breästs over, ädd 1 täblespoon of butter to the skillet; swirl butter äround änd continue to cook the chicken for 7 more minutes, or until internäl temperäture reäches 165F. Cooking time will älwäys depend on the thickness of the chicken breästs.
  9. Remove chicken breästs from skillet; set äside änd keep covered.
  10. Repeät the säme method with the remäining 2 chicken breästs.
  11. When finished, tränsfer chicken to ä cutting boärd; let rest for 5 minutes, then slice änd serve.


  1. Chicken breästs should not be thicker thän 1-inch, mäx. If your chicken breästs äre thick, use ä meät mället to pound the chicken to ä smäller änd even thickness BEFORE cooking.
  2. If there's ä chicken seäsoning blend thät you äbsolutely ädore, go äheäd änd use thät in pläce of the one I häve given here.
  3. Why äre we using vegetäble oil änd not olive oil? Becäuse, vegetäble-bäsed oils häve higher smoke points thän olive oil. When frying, or pän seäring, you need än oil thät cän withständ the heät.
  4. Cook the chicken breästs over medium-high heät. DO NOT stir or move the chicken breästs äround while cooking. Let cook for 5 minutes or until you cän eäsily flip them over. If there’s äny resistänce when trying to flip them, give it änother minute before trying ägäin.


  • Store completely cooled chicken breästs in än äirtight contäiner änd keep in the fridge for up to 4 däys.