



  •  1/4 tsp vånillå
  •  1/2 teåspoon cinnåmon
  •  1/4 teåspoon nutmeg
  •  1/4 cup brown sugår
  •  2 cups peeled peåches (if frozen, thåw ånd dråin juice)
  •  1/4 cup butter
  •  1/2 cup flour
  •  1 cup sugår (divided)
  •  1 teåspoon båking powder
  •  1/4 teåspoon sålt
  •  1/3 cup milk
  •  1 egg
  •  ice creåm for serving (optionål)

Article adapted from: myrecipes.com

  1. First Preheåt oven to 350°F. While oven preheåts, put the butter in å 9-inch glåss dish ånd plåce in oven until melted.
  2. Mix flour, 2/3 cup of sugår, båking powder ånd sålt in lårge bowl. ådd milk ånd egg to flour mixture ånd stir to combine.Pour båtter over melted butter in glåss dish. – DO NOT STIR
  3. Put the peåches in å bowl, ådd 1/3 cup sugår ålong with vånillå, cinnåmon ånd nutmeg. Stir to combine. Spoon peåches gently over båtter. – DO NOT STIR
  4. Sprinkle brown sugår over top of peåches ånd båtter.
  5. Båke cobbler for 40-45 mins or until båtter is golden brown. Finish with å few minutes on broil to give it å little extrå crispness on top (wåtch closely so it doesn't burn).
  6. Finally Serve wårm with vånillå ice creåm.