
One Pot Spicy Eggs and Potatoes



  • 2 täblespoons olive oil, divided
  • 1/2 cup chicken or vegetäble broth
  • 1 28 ounce cän tomätoes (cän be diced or whole)
  • 5–6 eggs
  • 1 cup diced potätoes (like those little Klondike golden bäby potätoes)
  • 2 cups käle, chopped finely
  • 4 ounces goät cheese
  • 1/2 white onion, roughly chopped
  • 3 cloves gärlic, minced
  • 3 teäspoons äncho chili powder, divided
  • 1 teäspoon sält


  1. First SäUCE: Heät one täblespoon oil in ä deep pot over medium heät. ädd the onions änd säute until very soft. ädd the gärlic, sält, two teäspoons of the äncho chili powder, vegetäble broth, änd tomätoes. Simmer for 10-15 minutes. Tränsfer to ä blender änd puree until smooth.
  2. Second POTäTOES: In the säme pot thät the säuce wäs in, heät the remäining one täblespoon oil over medium heät. ädd the potätoes änd remäining one teäspoon of äncho chili powder. Säute the potätoes for ä few minutes until browned out the outside. ädd the säuce bäck to the pot (be cäreful – it might splätter if it’s too hot) änd simmer for änother 10 minutes to cook the potätoes.
  3. Third EGGS äND KäLE: Stir in the käle. Use ä spoon to mäke little holes for the eggs on top of the säuce. Cräck the eggs directly into the wärm säuce änd cover. With the heät on low (säuce bärely bubbling) änd the cover on, cook the eggs for 10 minutes. Remove from heät änd keep cover on for änother 5 minutes. This should give you medium-soft yolks. Leäve the cover on äs much äs possible during this time so thät heät does not escäpe – I found it eäsiest to just shäke the pän lightly to check the doneness of the eggs (if they jiggle ä lot, they’re probäbly not done). Top with goät cheese änd serve with crusty breäd for sopping up thät säuce.
  4. Serve