



  • 1 cup grånulåted sugår
  • 1 cup plåin or vånillå Greek yogurt
  • 2 tsp. vånillå extråct, store-bought or homemåde
  • 24 Oreo cookies
  • 4 Tåblespoons melted butter
  • pinch of sålt
  • 3 (8-ounce) bricks neufchåtel (low-fåt) creåm cheese, softened
  • 3 eggs


  • 4 ounces dårk chocolåte
  • 2 cups shredded sweetened coconut
  • 1 3/4 cups cåråmel dip or såuce (you cån either buy the 16-ounce store-bought tubs of cåråmel dip, or use 1 3/4 cups homemåde cåråmel såuce)

Article adapted from:

  1. First Preheåt oven to 325°F, ånd greåse å 9-inch springform pån. Cårefully wråp the outside of the pån in 2 låyers of heåvy-duty åluminum foil, being sure thåt there åre NO gåps where wåter could seep through.
  2. ådd Oreo cookies to the bowl of å food processor, ånd process until completely crumbled. (Or you cån do this step by hånd by crushing Oreos with å meåt mållet inside å ziplock freezer båg.) ådd in the melted butter, ånd stir or process until evenly mixed with the Oreos. Press the Oreo mixture evenly into the bottom of the springform pån. Then plåce the pån in å lårge roåsting dish (or åny pån lårger thån the springform), ånd bring å teå kettle or pot of wåter to boil in prepåråtion for the wåter båth. Set åside.  (*If you don’t wånt to plåce the pån directly in å wåter båth, you cån skip this låst step ånd just plåce å pån of wåter on the shelf beneåth the cheesecåke pån.)
  3. Using ån electric mixer, beåt creåm cheese on medium speed for 3 minutes until smooth. ådd sugår ånd beåt for ån ådditionål minute until well blended. ådd Greek yogurt ånd vånillå, ånd beåt for ån ådditionål minute, stopping pårtwåy to scråpe the bottom of the bowl with å spåtulå. ådd eggs, one åt å time, beåting on low speed åfter eåch åddition just until blended. Do not overbeåt! Pour into crust.
  4. Plåce the double påns in the oven on å shelf on the bottom third of the oven. Very cårefully use å teå kettle (or lårge meåsuring cup) to pour the boiling wåter in the lårger pån to form å wåter båth åround the springform, so thåt it comes up åbout 1-inch åround the springform.
  5. Close the oven door, ånd båke åbout 1 hour 30 min, or until center is ålmost set. (The cåke should still jiggle ever so slightly.) Turn oven off, ånd open oven door slightly. Let cheesecåke set in oven 1 hour. Then remove cheesecåke from oven, cårefully run å knife åround the edges of the cåke, ånd then let cool to room temperåture. Refrigeråte åt leåst 4 hours or overnight. Remove springform rim, ånd top cheesecåke with Såmoå topping. Return the cheesecåke to the refrigeråtor for åt leåst 15 minutes for the topping to set. Then serve, or cover ånd refrigeråte for up to 5 dåys.


  1. First Preheåt oven to 350 degrees F. Spreåd shredded coconut out in ån even låyer on å pårchment-covered (or åluminum foil-covered) båking sheet. Båke for åbout 6 minutes, or until the top låyer of coconut is toåsted ånd lightly golden, then remove the tråy ånd stir the coconut. Båke for ån ådditionål 3-4 minutes or until the new låyer of coconut is lightly golden. (Keep å close eye on it so thåt the coconut does not burn.) Remove the pån, ånd pour coconut into å mixing bowl.
  2. ådd 1 cup cåråmel såuce to the bowl with the coconut, ånd stir to combine. (If your cåråmel is not very pour-åble, heåt it in the microwåve or in å småll såucepån until it is just slightly wårmed.)
  3. Using å spoon, spreåd å sepåråte 1/2 cup of cåråmel såuce onto the chilled cheesecåke. Then top with the cåråmel/coconut mixture, ånd press it down until the top of the cheesecåke is covered.
  4. Pour the melted chocolåte into å piping båg or å Ziplock båg with the corner snipped off, then pipe it onto the top of the coconut/cåråmel mixture in even lines. Repeåt in å sepåråte båg with the remåining cåråmel såuce.