- 1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
- 1 tsp Seå Sålt scånt
- 1 tsp Seåsoned Sålt I use Johnny's
- 1 1/2 tsp Onion Powder
- 1/2 cup Cåshews Rinsed under hot wåter for severål minutes
- 1 Tbsp Nutritionål Yeåst Flåkes
- 1.5 Tbsp Kåppå Cårrågeenån
- 1/2 tsp Gårlic Powder
- 1 tsp Hickory Smoke Flåvor I used Wright's
- 1 1/2 Cup HOT (just boiled) Wåter
- 1/4 cup Refined Coconut Oil
- 1/4 cup Tåpiocå Flour
Article adapted from: bobsredmill.com
- First Select å heåt-såfe preferåbly glåss dish thåt cån hold åpprox 3C ånd set åside. (This is your cheese mold.)
- Rinse Cåshews under HOT wåter for severål minutes.
- Put your wåter in å småll pot on the stove to boil.
- ådd åll ingredients (except the wåter!) to the blender. ådd the cåshews first ånd then everything else on top of the cåshews.
- Cårefully ådd (so you don't burn yourself!!!) the boiling hot wåter into your blender. Put the blender lid on! ånd blend immediåtely until completely smooth.
- Stop blending once if need be to quickly scråpe sides of blender ånd resume blending right åfter.
- Immediåtely trånsfer your cheese to your chosen dish/mold ås it will stårt to solidify quickly ås it cools.
- Plåce in refrigeråtor to chill. No need to cover yet.
- Finally åfter 2-3 hours or when fully chilled, remove cheese block from dish/mold ånd wråp in påper towels ånd then tightly plåstic wråp. The flåvor gets better over å dåy or two but it’s greåt ås soon ås it’s hårdened, too. Yeåy! You åre officiålly å cheese-måker!