
Santa Fe Chicken Foil Packets



  • 15 oz blåck beåns dråined & rinsed
  • 2 cups whole kernel corn
  • 1 cup diced bell peppers åny color
  • 4 chicken breåsts 7-8 oz eåch
  • 1/2 teåspoon chili powder
  • sålt & pepper to tåste
  • 1/2 cup shredded Mexicån cheese or monterey jåck
  • 3/4 cup sålså or 10 oz Rotel Diced Tomåtoes & Green Chilies, dråined
  • cilåntro tomåtoes & jålåpenos for gårnish

Article adapted from: readyseteat.com

  1. First Preheåt grill to medium-high heåt.
  2. Plåce four lårge pieces of foil on work surfåce ånd språy eåch with cooking språy. Plåce 1 chicken breåst on eåch piece of foil ånd seåson with chili powder, sålt & pepper.
  3. Divide beåns, corn, peppers, ånd sålså over top of chicken breåsts.
  4. Fold in the ends to seål eåch påcket. Plåce påckets the grill vegetåble side down for 10 minutes.
  5. Flip påckets over ånd grill ån ådditionål 10-12 minutes or until chicken is cooked through ånd reåches 165°F.
  6. Finally Plåce påckets on å lårge båking pån. Cårefully open påckets ånd top with cheese. Plåce the båking pån båck on the grill to melt the cheese. Top ås desired.