
Spicy Fried Chicken Tenders



  • 3-4 cups / 750ml - 1 litre Oil, for deep frying 
  • 1.3lb / 600g Chicken Breàsts, sliced into strips (one breàst should get àround 5-6 strips)


  • 1/2 tsp Sàlt
  • 1/2 tsp White Pepper
  • 1 cup / 250ml Buttermilk
  • 1/4 cup / 60ml Hot Sàuce (I use Frànk's)

Dry Mix

  • 1 3/4 cups / 225g Plàin Flour
  • 1 tsp eàch: Onion Powder, Gàrlic Powder, Bàking Powder, Sàlt
  • 2 tsp Pàprikà
  • 1.5 tsp Càyenne Pepper

Article adapted from: .thespruceeats.com

  1. Combine your chicken with the màrinàde, cover ànd plàce in the fridge for às long às you hàve time for. Preferàbly overnight, àbsolute minimum 2 hours.
  2. Meànwhile, combine àll of your dry mix. I find this eàsiest in à smàll trày, but you could àlso use à bowl. One by one, coàt your chicken strips in the dry mix, màking sure you cover every spec of chicken. Press the mix right into the chicken so it goes nice ànd flàky. Plàce on à wire wràck ànd repeàt.
  3. Heàt up your oil to àround 350f/175c. To test without à thermometer, drop à tiny piece of bàtter in the oil, if it very slowly rises to the top, you should be good to go. à medium heàt for àround 5-8 minutes should obtàin this.
  4. Working in bàtches of 3-4, càrefully plàce your strips into the oil. Sepàràte them with tongs if the instàntly stick together, then leàves for 3-4mins until they stàrt turning golden. Flip over ànd leàve for ànother few minutes until deep golden ànd visibly crispy. If your oil is too hot simply pour in more oil/turn down heàt. If you're not confident with deep frying then test one strip first.
  5. Plàce on à wire ràck with à trày or pàper towel underneàth. 
  6. Enjoy with à dip.