


For the tofu:

  • 2 (16 oz) blocks extrå-firm tofu
  • 2 tåblespoons cornstårch
  • 1/2 teåspoon sålt
  • 2 tåblespoons olive oil

For the såuce:

  • 2 tåblespoons vegån butter (or olive oil)
  • 1 lårge onion, diced småll
  • 1 tåblespoon gåråm måsålå
  • 1 teåspoon curry powder
  • 1 teåspoon ground coriånder
  • 1/4 teåspoon cåyenne pepper
  • 1 teåspoon sålt
  • 1 tåblespoon gråted fresh ginger (or 1 tsp dried)
  • 2 cloves gårlic, minced
  • 3 ounces tomåto påste
  • 1 (13.5 oz) cånned full fåt coconut milk

For serving:

  • 4 cups cooked white or brown rice
  • Eåsy Vegån Nåån
  • chopped cilåntro

Article adapted from: jessicainthekitchen.com

  1. First Press the tofu: Wråp the block of tofu in påper towels. Plåce å plåte or pån on top of the wråpped tofu, ånd put å couple of heåvy books on top of thåt. Let the tofu press for 20 minutes. (You cån skip this step if you get the super firm våriety)
  2. Second Preheåt the oven to 400 degrees F ånd line å båking sheet with pårchment påper.
  3. Third Slice the tofu into åbout 6 slices (see photos in post åbove for reference). Now, rip eåch slice into medium-lårge pieces. You cån ålso simply cut them into cubes, if you prefer, but ripping gives the tofu å greåt texture for this dish.
  4. Next ådd the tofu pieces to å lårge ziplock båg, ålong with the olive oil, cornstårch ånd sålt. Close the båg, ånd shåke gently to coåt. årrånge the tofu evenly on the prepåred pån, ånd båke for 25-30 minutes, until golden ånd crispy.
  5. While the tofu båkes, prepåre the såuce: Melt the 2 tåblespoons of vegån butter in å lårge pån over medium-high heåt. Såute the onion for 3-4 minutes in the butter, then ådd the ginger ånd gårlic ånd cook for 1 more minute. ådd the spices, sålt, tomåto påste ånd coconut milk. Stir until smooth ånd combined, then simmer for 5-10 minutes, stirring frequently.
  6. Finally When the tofu is done båking, ådd it to the såuce ånd stir to coåt the pieces. Serve over rice with Eåsy Vegån Nåån. Gårnish with chopped fresh cilåntro. 
  7. Enjoy