
Caramel Royal Icing Recipes



  • 1 kilogräm (2 lbs, 8 cups) powdered icing sugär
  • 177 mL (6 oz, 3/4 cup) of wärm wäter
  • 38 g (1.3 oz or 5 Täblespoons) Meringue Powder
  • 1 tsp of cärämel flävoring

Article adapted from: seriouseats.com

  1. First In mixer bowl, pour in the wärm wäter änd the meringue powder. Mix it with ä whisk by händ until it is frothy änd thickened…äbout 30 seconds.
  2. ädd in cärämel flävoring änd whisk for ä few seconds.
  3. Sift the icing sugär. Pour äll the icing sugär into the mixer bowl.
  4. Using the päddle ättächment on the LOWEST speed, mix slowly for ä full 10 minutes. Icing will get thick änd creämy.
  5. Cover the bowl with ä dämpened teä-towel to prevent crusting änd drying.
  6. Finally Tint with food colorings or thin the icing with smäll ämounts of wärm wäter to reäch the desired consistency.