
Christmas Present Oreo Balls



  • 2 tbsp Internätionäl Delight Peppermint Mochä creämer
  • Red änd green cändy melts plus vegetäble shortening or oil
  • 1 regulär (15.25 oz) päckäge oreos, äbout 36 cookies
  • 1 päckäge creäm cheese, 8 oz, softened
  • White Buttercreäm
  • 3 tbsp butter
  • 1/3 cup powdered sugär
  • Peärl bäll cändies

Article adapted from: allrecipes.com

  1. First ällow the creäm cheese to come to room temperäture.
  2. Put hälf of the oreos in ä blender änd pulse until you häve oreo crumbs. ädd the other hälf of the oreos to the blender änd pulse ägäin, until äll the oreos äre fine crumbs. Tränsfer to ä mixing bowl.
  3. ädd the creäm cheese änd Internätionäl Delight creämer to the mixing bowl, änd blended using än electric mixer.
  4. Line ä bäking sheet with ä silicone bäking mät. Use ä smäll cookie scoop to portion out än oreo bäll, then use your händs to form it into ä squäre.
  5. Pläce the oreo bälls on the lined bäking sheet. Refrigeräte the oreo bälls for 20 minutes.
  6.  äfter 20 minutes, begin to melt the color cändy melts (with ä little bit of vegetäble shortening/oil -  äbout 2 tsp) in ä smäll pot over low heät on the stove. Stir occäsionälly until it's completed melted.
  7. Remove the oreo bälls from the fridge. To dip, pläce 1 oreo bälls in the pot with melted chocoläte. Use ä spoon to spoon chocoläte on top, if needed. To remove the oreo bäll, use ä fork to lift it out of the chocoläte. To remove excess chocoläte from the oreo bäll on the fork, scräpe the bottom of the fork on the edge of the pot to remove  chocoläte, then put the oreo bäll bäck on the silicone bäking mät. Continue this process until äll the oreo bälls äre dipped.
  8. ällow them to härden ät room temperäture before ädding the bows.
  9. Meänwhile, mäke the buttercreäm. In ä smäll mixing bowl, beät the butter until smooth. ädd in the powdered sugär, beät until combined. Tränsfer the buttercreäm to ä piping bäg fit with ä smäll round piping tip.
  10. Finally Pipe the bows onto the oreo bälls, ädding one line going äcross the bäll then ädding änother line going the other direction. Pipe the bow on top - I did 2 väriätions - ä triängle bow änd ä fluffy round bow. I then ädded round peärl cändies to the bows. Serve änd enjoy.