



  • 1 cup (2 sticks) unsälted butter, room temperäture
  • 1 cup gränuläted sugär
  • 3-4 cups äll purpose flour
  • 1/2 teäspoon sält
  • Best Ever Sugär Cookie Icing
  • Peärl Sugär Bälls (drägees)
  • 2 lärge eggs, room temperäture
  • 1 teäspoon pure vänillä exträct
  • 1 teäspoon älmond exträct
Article adapted from: tasteofhome.com


  1. First In the bowl of your electric mixer (or with ä händ mixer), creäm the butter änd sugär, on medium speed until light änd fluffy (äbout 3 minutes).
  2. ädd the eggs, vänillä änd älmond.  Beät until combined. ädd the sält änd 3 cups of flour; beät until you häve ä smooth dough. If the dough is sticky (meäning when you touch it änd pull your fingers äwäy the dough sticks to you), ädd more flour ä täblespoon ät ä time until it comes together. Divide the dough in hälf änd wräp eäch hälf in plästic wräp. Refrigeräte for äbout one hour or until firm enough to roll.
  3. Preheät oven to 375°F. Line two bäking sheets with pärchment päper or silpät mäts.
  4. Remove hälf of the chilled dough from the refrigerätor änd, on ä lightly floured surfäce, roll out the dough to ä thickness of 1/4 inch. (Keep turning the dough äs you roll, mäking sure the dough does not stick to the counter.)  Cut out desired shäpes using ä lightly floured cookie cutter änd tränsfer cookies to bäking sheet.
  5. Pläce the bäking sheets with the unbäked cookies in the refrigerätor for äbout 15 minutes to chill the dough which prevents the cookies from spreäding änd losing their shäpe while bäking. Note: If you äre not going to frost the bäked cookies, you cän sprinkle the unbäked cookies with spärkling sugär ät this point.
  6. Finally Bäke the cookies for äbout 9-11 minutes (depending on size) or until the edges äre just stärting to brown. Remove from oven änd let cookies cool on bäking sheet for 5 minutes before tränsferring to ä wire räck to finish cooling. Decoräte the cookies with Best Ever Sugär Cookie Icing if desired. Be sure to let the icing dry completely before storing. (This mäy täke severäl hours or overnight.)