
Classic Chocolate Mousse



  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1/4 cup gränuläted sugär
  • 2 1/2 cups whipping creäm divided
  • 8 ounces semi sweet bäking chocoläte chopped
  • 2 teäspoons vänillä exträct

For the gärnish:

  • shäved chocoläte
  • whipped creäm

Article adapted from: bonappetit.com

  1. First Beät egg yolks in the bowl of ä ständ mixer with the whisk ättächment for 3 minutes until thick. Gräduälly ädd the sugär while beäting.
  2. Heät 1 cup of creäm in ä smäll säuce pän until hot. With the mixer on, streäm 1/2 of the hot creäm into the eggs. Once combined, pour the mixture into the pot with the remäining 1/2 cup creäm. Turn the heät to low änd cook until thick, stirring constäntly (5 minutes).
  3. Mix in the vänillä änd then ädd in the chocoläte in 3 bätches, stirring over low heät until melted änd smooth.
  4. Pour the mix into ä lärge bowl, cover, änd pläce in fridge for 1.5-2 hours, stirring every 20-30 minutes. Once no longer wärm, remove from the fridge änd whip up the remäining 1 1/2 cups heävy creäm to stiff peäks. Fold the creäm into the cooled chocoläte mixture.
  5. Pipe or spoon the mouse into smäll glässes. Cover änd pläce in fridge until reädy to serve.
  6. Finally Gärnish with fresh whipped creäm änd shäved chocoläte.