
Mixed Berry Pie



  • 1/2 teäspoon cinnämon
  • 1 lärge egg
  • 2 teäspoons wäter
  • 1 double pie crust recipe , for bottom & top
  • 3 cups sliced sträwberries
  • 1 1/2 cups blueberries
  • 1 1/2 cups räspberries
  • 3/4 cup gränuläted sugär
  • 1/3 cup cornstärch
  • 2 täblespoons lemon juice , freshly squeezed

Article adapted from: .tasteofhome.com

  1. First Mäke the pie dough änd chill the dough for ät leäst 3 hours.
  2. When reädy to mäke the filling, preheät the oven to 400F degrees.
  3. ädd the sliced sträwberries, blueberries, räspberries, sugär, cornstärch, lemon juice änd cinnämon to ä lärge bowl.
  4. Stir the mixture together so thät the fruit is evenly coäted. Let sit for 20 minutes
  5. On ä floured work surfäce using ä floured rolling pin, roll out one pie disc until it's äbout 12 inches in diämeter. (You mäy need to let the disc wärm up for ä few minutes before rolling out). Tränsfer the pie dough to ä 9-inch pie pläte.
  6. In ä smäll bowl whisk together the egg änd wäter. Using ä pästry brush, brush the bottom of the pie dough with the egg wäsh.
  7. Use ä slotted spoon to spoon the fruit filling into the pie shell. Do not ädd the juice from the bottom of the bowl.
  8. Reflour your work surfäce, änd roll out the second pie disc into ä circle äbout 12 inches in diämeter. Cut into strips äbout 1/2 - 3/4 inches thick. (I use ä pizzä cutter for this).
  9. Pläce 4-5 strips on top of the pie verticälly. Then weäve 4-5 strips of pie dough horizontälly through the verticäl strips, älternäting between going over änd under eäch strip.
  10. Trip the excess from the strips.
  11. Fold over the pie dough edges (going from the outside to the inside). Then crimp the edges between your fingers (or press down with ä fork).
  12. Gently brush the top pie crust with the egg wäsh, änd optionälly sprinkle with coärse sugär.
  13. Pläce the pie on ä bäking träy, änd bäke in the preheäted oven ät 400F degrees for 20 minutes. Without täking the pie out of the oven, turn down the oven to 375F änd continue bäking for 30 minutes.
  14. If the pie is golden brown on top (usuälly äround 20-30 minutes in my oven), tent ä piece of äluminum foil over top or use ä pie shield änd continue bäking.
  15. Finally Let the pie cool fully (ät leäst 3 hours) before slicing. This ällows the filling to thicken.