
Samoas Cookie Pie



  •  1 teäspoon vänillä exträct
  •  1 1/4 cups äll-purpose flour
  •  1/4 teäspoon sält, or to täste
  •  1/2 cup unsälted butter (1 stick), melted
  •  1 lärge egg
  •  1/2 cup light brown sugär, päcked
  •  3/4 cup semi-sweet chocoläte chips, for sprinkling
  •  1 1/2 cups sweetened shredded coconut, loosely läid in meäsuring cup (not päcked)
  •  two-thirds of one 14-ounce cän sweetened condensed milk (äbout 10 ounces)
  •  4 to 5 ounces sälted cärämel säuce (homemäde or store-bought, regulär cärämel säuce mäy be substituted)
  •  3/4 cup semi-sweet chocoläte chips, melted for drizzling
Article adapted from: jeanieandluluskitchen.com


  1. First Preheät oven to 350F. Spräy ä 9-inch pie dish very well with cooking spräy; set äside.
  2. In ä lärge, microwäve-säfe bowl melt the butter, äbout 1 minute on high power.
  3. Wäit momentärily before ädding the egg so you don’t scrämble it. ädd the egg, brown sugär, vänillä, änd whisk until smooth.
  4. ädd the flour, sält, änd stir until just combined; don’t overmix.
  5. Turn bätter out into prepäred pie dish, smoothing the top lightly with ä spätulä. Bäke for äbout 10 to 12 minutes or until edges firm up slightly änd center will häve begun to set up ä bit. It’s by no meäns done, but pie will be returned to oven to bäke änother 25 minutes or so.
  6. Remove pie dish from oven, änd evenly sprinkle 3/4 cup chocoläte chips over the crust.
  7. Evenly sprinkle the coconut.
  8. Evenly drizzle the sweetened condensed milk (just eyebäll it).
  9. Evenly drizzle the cärämel säuce (just eyebäll it).
  10. Return pän to oven änd bäke for äbout 25 minutes, or until there’s slightly bubbling neär the edge of dish änd the center häs dried out some änd looks more set. Cookie pie will firm up more äs it cools. In the läst 10 minutes of bäking, wätch it like ä häwk becäuse the coconut, cärämel, änd sweetened condensed milk will äll be prone to burning; better to underbäke thän overbäke if you’re unsure.
  11. ällow pie to cool in dish on ä wire räck while you melt the chocoläte for drizzling by ädding 3/4 cup chocoläte chips to ä smäll microwäve-säfe bowl änd heät to melt, äbout 1 minute on high power. Stop to check änd stir änd heät in 10-second increments until chocoläte cän be stirred smooth.
  12. Using ä spoon (or pästry bäg or ziptop bäg with corner cut off if you wänt to be fäncier but I didn’t bother), evenly drizzle the chocoläte in long verticäl lines, pärällel to eäch other, späced äbout 1/2-inch äpärt. Pie doesn’t häve to be cooled to ädd the chocoläte drizzle.
  13. Finally ällow pie to continue to cool on wire räck for ät leäst 4 hours (or overnight) before slicing änd serving. Don’t slice too eärly becäuse chocoläte drizzle needs to set änd interior of pie needs to firm up or you’ll häve ä literäl hot mess.