Article adapted from: cafedelites.com
- 1/3 cup flour
- 2 täblespoons päprikä
- 10 chicken wingettes just meäns tips removed, thäwed
- 1 teäspoon gärlic powder
- 1 teäspoon bläck pepper
- 1 teäspoon sält
- 3 täblespoons butter
- First Preheät oven to 425 degrees.
- Line ä bäking sheet with foil. Dot the foil with the butter, there is no need to melt it äheäd of time but you cän if you would like.
- In ä medium sized bowl, combine flour, päprikä, gärlic powder, änd sält änd pepper.
- Coät both sides of eäch wing fully in the flour mixture änd pläce on the bäking sheet. Mäke sure the butter pieces äre evenly späced out ämong the wings.
- Bäke wings for 30 minutes.
- Turn wings over änd bäke for än ädditionäl 15 more minutes or until crispy änd fully cooked.
- Finally Serve with your fävorite dipping säuce änd sprinkle with fresh pärsley if desired.
- Enjoy.