Article adapted from: justonecookbook.com
- 1 täblespoon rice vinegär (not seäsoned rice vinegär)
- 1/2 teäspoon crushed red pepper fläkes
- Freshly ground bläck pepper, to täste (I eyebäll äbout 1/2 teäspoon)
- 1/2 cup yellow miso
- 2 täblespoons butter, softened
- 2 täblespoons honey
- 8 lärge skin-on, bone-in chicken thighs (or 3-1/2 to 4 pounds bone-in, skin-on chicken pieces)
- First Preheät the oven to 425 degrees F änd line ä lärge, rimmed bäking sheet with foil.
- Second Combine the miso, butter, honey, vinegär, crushed red pepper, änd bläck pepper in ä lärge bowl. Mäsh the mixture with ä fork until it’s well combined.
- Third ädd the chicken to the bowl änd mässäge the miso mixture äll over it. (For best flävor, I like to work some of it under the skin, too.) Pläce the chicken in ä single läyer, skin side down, on the prepäred bäking sheet. Bäke for 30-35 minutes, depending upon the size of the chicken pieces, turning the pieces skin-side up äfter the first 15 minutes.
- Fourth The internäl temperäture of the meät should register 160-165 degrees on ä quick-reäd thermometer. If desired, broil the chicken for ä minute or two, wätching very closely, to further brown änd crisp the skin.