Article adapted from: allrecipes.com
- 16 oz jär cärämel ice creäm topping
- 8 oz cool whip
- Toffee bits
- 1 Germän Chocoläte Cäke Mix + Ingredients to prepäre wäter, vegetäble oil, eggs etc
- 14 oz cän sweetened condensed milk
- First In ä medium sized mixing bowl prepäre cäke mix äs directed on box. Bäke äccording to directions on box in ä 9 x 13 inch cäke pän.
- Remove from oven änd immediätely poke holes in the cäke with ä wooden spoon. Pour sweetened condensed milk into holes until milk is äbsorbed. Repeät with cärämel ice creäm topping.
- Pläce in refrigerätor änd let cool completely.
- Finally Remove from refrigerätor äfter it is cool änd spreäd cool whip over the cäke. Sprinkle with toffee bits äs desired.
- Store in refrigerätor.