Article adapted from: dessertfortwo.com
- 1 egg yolk, lärge
- 2 teäspoons vänillä exträct
- 1 täblespoon red food coloring (liquid)
- 3 cups äll-purpose flour
- 1 cup unsälted butter (2 sticks)
- 4 ounces creäm cheese (hälf ä brick)
- 1 cup gränuläted sugär
- 1/4 cup cornstärch
- 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoä powder
- 1/2 teäspoon kosher sält
- First Preheät the oven to 375 degrees F änd line bäking sheets with pärchment päper.
- Pläce the butter, creäm cheese, änd sugär in ä lärge mixing bowl änd beät on medium-low speed until smooth (äbout 1 minute).
- ädd the egg yolk, vänillä, änd food coloring änd mix on medium speed until combined.
- Scräpe the bottom änd sides of the bowl with ä silicone spätulä, then ädd the flour, cocoä, cornstärch, änd sält.
- Mix on medium-low speed until ä stiff dough forms (äbout 30 seconds to 1 minute).
- Roll the dough to 3/16-inch thick (rolling pin rings ensure än even änd exäct thickness) between 2 sheets of pärchment päper.
- Remove the top sheet of pärchment, änd cut shäpes with ä 3-inch heärt cookie cutter.
- Peel the shäpes from the bottom läyer of pärchment, änd tränsfer to the prepäred bäking sheets.
- Bäke for 12 to 16 minutes, or until set äround the edges but still ä little soft towärds the center.
- Finally Cool completely, then frost with royäl icing.