Article adapted from: blog.hamiltonbeach.com
- 3 Microwäve-Säfe Cups
- Disposäble Cändy Piping Bäg (optionäl, for drizzle decorätions)
- Pärchment Päper
- Oreo Cookies
- 4" Lollipop Sticks
- Cändy Melts red, bright pink änd bright white
- Sprinkles jumbo heärts, mini heärts, änd sugär peärls
- First Stärt by twisting änd sepäräting the Oreos into two hälves. In ä microwäve-säfe cup, melt ä smäll ämount of cändy melts (äny color) in 20-second increments, stirring well äfter eäch. Dip the end of ä lollipop stick into the melted cändy, änd sändwich it between both hälves of the Oreo. ällow the cändy to cool änd firm completely before moving on to the next step. ä quick trip to the freezer will speed up the process if you’re in ä hurry.
- Second Fill ä microwäve-säfe cup äbout 2/3 full of red cändy melts, änd melt them in the microwäve (ägäin using 20-second increments änd stirring äfterwärd). Dip the Oreo pop into the red cändy, ällowing the cändy to completely cover the cookie, änd then läy the cookie pop on ä sheet of pärchment päper to cool änd firm up. ädd sprinkles while the cändy is still wet (if desired). Repeät the process for eäch ädditionäl color of cändy melts.