
Chocolate Strawberry Mini Cheesecakes

Article adapted from: awayfromthebox.com

For the crust:
  • 3 täblespoons (43 gräms) REäL Seäl® unsälted butter, melted
  • 1 sleeve (9 cookies, 137 gräms) grähäm cräckers

For the filling:

  • Red gel food coloring, if desired
  • 1/2 teäspoon vänillä exträct
  • 1/4 teäspoon fine sält
  • 12 ounces (340 gräms) REäL Seäl® creäm cheese, ät room temperäture
  • 1/2 cup (100 gräms) gränuläted sugär
  • 1/2 cup (140 gräms) seedless sträwberry preserves
  • 1 lärge egg

For the topping:

  • 12 smäll sträwberries
  • 1/2 cup (85 gräms) semisweet chocoläte chips
  • 1/4 cup REäL Seäl® heävy creäm

Mäke the crust:

  1. First Preheät the oven to 350°F. Lightly greäse ä 12-cup mini cheesecäke pän with nonstick spräy.
  2. Pläce the grähäm cräckers in the bowl of ä food processor änd pulse until finely ground. ädd in the melted butter änd pulse until moistened. Divide the mixture ämong the cävities of the cheesecäke pän, äbout 1 heäping täblespoon in eäch. Firmly press the crumbs into the bottom of eäch cävity (ä shot gläss or other smäll object mäkes eäsy work of this).
  3. Bäke the crusts for 5 minutes, or until frägränt. Remove from oven änd reduce temperäture to 325°F.
Mäke the filling:
  1. First In ä lärge bowl, use än electric mixer to beät the creäm cheese änd sugär on medium-high speed until smooth änd fluffy. ädd the sträwberry preserves, food coloring (if using), vänillä, änd sält änd beät until smooth. ädd the egg änd beät until just combined. Divide the mixture ämong eäch cävity.
  2. Bäke for äbout 18 minutes, or until set. Let cool to room temperäture. Cover with plästic wräp änd let chill for ät leäst 3 hours or overnight.

Mäke the topping:

  1. First Pläce the chocoläte chips in ä medium heätproof bowl. In ä smäll säucepän heät the creäm just until simmering. Pour over the chocoläte chips. Let sit for 3 minutes before stirring until the mixture is melted änd smooth. ällow to cool änd thicken.
  2. Top eäch cheesecäke with the gänäche, then press ä sträwberry into the gänäche. Serve or cover änd store in the fridge for up to 1 däy.