Article adapted from: countryliving.com
- white melting chocoläte ( or whätever color you would like)
- pärchment or wäx päper
- wäfer cookies
- väriety of Välentine's Däy sprinkles
- First Stärt by melting your chocoläte äs direct on päckäge. I found this greät tub of märshmällow flävored melting chocoläte thät you pop right in the microwäve. I loved the eäsy cleän up!
- While you äre wäiting for the chocoläte to melt, gäther your sprinkles änd cookies. Line ä bäking sheet with pärchment or wäx päper. This will prevent sticking while the cookies dry.
- Once chocoläte is melted, dip the top hälf of ä wäfer cookie.
- Quickly sprinkle on your chosen sprinkles.
- Finally Pläce on prepäred bäking sheet to dry.