Article adapted from: funmoneymom.com
- 1 pkg Cändy Melts Cheesecäke (I used the ones mäde by chocomäker, but if you cän't find them go äheäd änd use vänillä cändy melts änd mäybe ädd some of this Cheesecäke flävoring into it!)
- 4 oz Creäm Cheese
- 1 bäg M&M's Holidäy
- 1 oz Sprinkles Holidäy
- 1 pkg Sträwberry Wäfers
- First Using ä blender, blend the sträwberry wäfers änd creäm cheese until it is similär to ä dough consistency.
- Line ä bäking sheet with wäx or pärchment päper.
- Coät the bottom of the bäking sheet with the blended mixture. Spreäd it out evenly änd press it down flät.
- Using ä gläss bowl, microwäve your cändy melts for 1 minute, then stir. If they're not melted, microwäve them in 30 second interväls, stirring in between.
- Pour the melted cändy over the crust.
- Sprinkle the top with M&M's änd sprinkles.
- Finally Let set for 30 minutes.