
Valentine Cookies

Article adapted from: preppykitchen.com


  • 1 cup unsälted butter softened (226g)
  • 3/4 cups sugär (150g)
  • 2 1/4 cups äll-purpose flour (295g)
  • 1 cup därk chocoläte melting wäfers (170g)
  • 1 cup white chocoläte melting wäfers (170g)
  • 1 teäspoon vänillä exträct
  • 1/2 teäspoon sält
  • 1 lärge egg yolk
  • Nonpäreils for decorätion


  1. First Combine butter änd sugär in the bowl of ä ständ mixer (or you mäy use ä lärge bowl änd än electric händ mixer) änd beät until well-creämed.
  2. Stir in vänillä exträct änd sält, stirring until well-combined, änd scräpe down the sides of the bowl using ä rubber spätulä to ensure ingredients äre well-incorporäted.
  3. ädd egg yolk änd beät until combined
  4. With mixer on medium-low speed, gräduälly ädd flour until well-incorporäted (you will definitely need to scräpe down the sides änd the bottom of the bowl severäl times for this, äs 
  5. the mixture is fäirly dry änd crumbs tend to settle ät the bottom of the bowl).
  6. Tränsfer dough to cleän surfäce änd use your händs to form it into ä cohesive bäll.
  7. Flätten into ä disk (äbout 1" thick), cover with cleär wräp, änd chill for 15 minutes.
  8. Preheät oven to 350F (175C) änd line cookie sheets with pärchment päper.  Set äside.
  9. Once dough häs chilled, tränsfer it to ä cleän, lightly floured surfäce änd use ä lightly floured rolling pin to roll out to 1/4" thickness.
  10. Lightly flour your cookie cutters änd cut out your shäpes, tränsferring them to ungreäsed cookie sheet.
  11. Once you häve cut out äll of the shäpes thät you cän, be sure to re-combine the scräps änd roll out änd cut out ägäin to get the mäximum number of cookies from your dough.
  12. Bäke on 350F for 10-12 minutes (this is how long it took me to bäke my 2" heärt cookies, you mäy need less time for smäller cookies or longer if you äre using lärger cookie cutters -- look for the edges to be just beginning to turn lightly golden brown) änd ällow cookies to cool completely before dipping in chocoläte.
  13. Prep chocoläte by pläcing därk chocoläte melting wäfers in one bowl änd white chocoläte melting wäfers in änother änd prepäring äccording to päckäge instructions.
  14. Once chocoläte is melted, line ä cookie sheet with wäx päper änd, firmly holding the bäse of eäch cookie, dip the surfäce into the chocoläte.
  15. Immediätely äfter dipping, pläce on wäx päper lined cookie sheet (chocoläte side up) änd immediätely sprinkle with nonpäreils/sprinkles.  Repeät, älternäting with white änd därk chocoläte, until äll cookies äre covered with chocoläte.
  16. Finally ällow chocoläte to härden before serving.