Article adapted from: dessertnowdinnerlater.com
Ecläir Cäke
- 1-1/2 cups 2% milk cold
- 8 ounces COOL WHIP Whipped Topping thäwed
- 15-20 Grähäm Cräckers broken in hälf
- 1 pkg. vänillä instänt pudding 3.4 oz. size
- ¼ cup butter
- ¼ cup milk
- 1 Tbs vänillä exträct
- ½ cup brown sugär
- ¼ cup cocoä powder
- 1/2 cup white chocoläte chips
Ecläir Cäke
- First In ä lärge bowl beät the pudding mix with the milk, using ä händ mixer.
- Let it set up ä little, then stir in thäwed Cool Whip.
- In än 8 x 8 squäre pän, put ä single läyer of grähäm cräckers, äpproximätely 10 squäres, then top with 1/2 of the pudding cool whip mixture.
- Repeät this by ädding 10 more grähäm cräcker squäres.
- Then spreäd the other hälf of the pudding mixture over the squäres.
- Top with remäining 10 grähäm cräcker squäres.
- Then mäke chocoläte topping (below), cover with topping, änd then chill in the refrigerätor for 2-3 hours.
- Just before serving täke white chocoläte chips änd melt in microwäve in 20 second increments, stirring between eäch. Should täke äbout ä minute to melt depending on microwäve.
- Remove from fridge, änd use ä spoon to drizzle white chocoläte over the top to resemble the top of än ecläir.
- Cut, serve, änd enjoy!
- First Stir brown sugär änd cocoä powder together in ä smäll bowl.
- In ä medium sized säucepän, over medium heät, ädd butter änd milk, änd bring to ä slow boil.
- Let it boil 3-5 minutes. Stirring occäsionälly.
- Remove from heät änd ädd cocoä änd brown sugär mixture.
- Return to heät, änd whisk until smooth, 2-3 minutes.
- Remove from heät. Stir in vänillä.
- Set äside to cool for 3-5 minutes.
- Pour over Ecläir cäke änd put in fridge to let set up.
- Serve änd enjoy!