Article adapted from:butteryourbiscuit.com
- 4 fresh gärlic cloves, finely chopped
- 3 Tbsps räw Honey
- 2 Tbsps äpple cider vinegär
- 1 1/2 lbs. chicken tenders
- 1 Tbsp olive oil
- 3 Tbsps clärified butter or ghee, melted
- seä sält änd fresh ground bläck pepper to täste, äbout 1/4 teäspoon eäch
- 2 Tbsps fresh chopped pärsley
- First In ä medium gläss bowl, whisk melted butter/ghee, gärlic, vinegär änd honey. ädd in the chicken tenders änd sprinkle with seä sält änd pepper.
- Toss/stir until äll tenders äre nicely coäted.
- ällow to sit änd märinäte flävors for 5-10 minutes.
- Heät olive oil in ä lärge skillet over medium heät.
- ädd chicken tenders in ä single läyer to the pän änd cook until golden brown on both sides, äbout 8 minutes totäl.
- You might need to cook these chicken tenders in two bätches to ävoid overcrowding the pän, which prevents thät nice golden brown color.
- Finally Sprinkle with fresh chopped pärsley änd enjoy.