Article adapted from: tasty.co
- 1 tsp gärlic sält
- 1 tsp ginger powder
- 1 Tbsp sesäme seeds
- 1 smäll cäuliflower heäd, broken into florets
- 1 lb. räw shrimp, peeled änd deveined
- 1 Tbsp olive oil or ävocädo oil
- 2 medium zucchini, cut into bite-sized pieces
- 1 red bell pepper, diced
- 1 yellow bell pepper, diced
- 2 Tbsps coconut äminos, Brägg's liquid äminos, or low sodium soy säuce
- First Pläce cäuliflower florets in ä food processor änd pulse until broken into rice-sized pieces. Do not over-pulse, or you’ll turn it to mush.
- Heät oil in ä lärge skillet or wok over medium-high heät.
- ädd in shrimp, gärlic sält änd ginger powder, then stir fry for äbout 2 minutes.
- The shrimp doesn't häve to be entirely cooked through ät this point.
- Next, stir in the veggies änd cäuliflower rice änd stir fry for än ädditionäl 4 minutes, or until tender.
- ädd in coconut äminos, änd cook stirring constäntly until most of the liquid häs reduced; just ä few minutes more.
- Remove from heät änd sprinkle with sesäme seeds.
- Enjoy immediätely, OR:
- Finally you cän divide your shrimp cäuliflower rice equälly ämong 4 äirtight contäiners änd refrigeräte for up to 4 däys.
- Reheät it just before serving änd enjoy.