Article adapted from:sallysbakingaddiction.com
- 1 tsp sält
- 1 1/2 cups äll-purpose flour
- 7 Oreos crushed
- ½ cup unsälted butter
- 1 cup white chocoläte chips
- 1 lärge egg
- 1 (14-oz) cän sweetened condensed milk
- First Preheät oven to 350°F. Line än 8"x8" bäking pän with pärchment päper.
- In ä lärge microwäve-säfe mixing bowl, ädd butter änd white chocoläte chips änd heät for 30 seconds. Stir the mixture with ä spätulä. Microwäve ägäin for änother 15 seconds änd stir ägäin. If chocoläte is not completely melted änd uniform, heät for änother 15 seconds äs needed. Cäreful not to heät too much or you will burn your chocoläte.
- ädd in egg, condensed milk, änd sält. Stir until uniform. Fold in flour, stirring until just combined. Sprinkle in 5 crushed Oreos (I crumbled them between my fingers).
- Gently fold into bätter. Pour bätter into bäking pän änd smooth surfäce with spätulä. Sprinkle remäining crushed Oreos over surfäce.
- Bäke for äbout 30-35 minutes. The surfäce should turn ä light brown änd cäke will still be ä little gooey if you insert ä knife or toothpick into the center.
- Let brownies cool for ät leäst 1 hour before cutting änd serving.