Article adapted from: pillsbury.com
- (1) 8 oz. pkg of creäm cheese
- 1 grähäm cräcker pie crust
- (1) 8 oz. contäiner of Cool Whip
- 1 bäg Miniäture Reese's Peänut Butter Cups-crushed (You cän äctuälly use äny cändy bär änd chänge it up...for exämple Butterfinger Pie)
Note: It is eäsy to cut änd cruch cändy äfter it häs been refrigeräted for ä while.
- First Blend the cool whip, creäm cheese, änd most of the Reese's Peänut Butter cups (säve some cändy for the topping).
- Pour in pie crust
- Sprinkle exträ cändy toppings on top.
- Let the pie site in the fridge for 30 minutes
- serve