Article adapted from: evolvingtable.com
- ½ tsp celtic seä sält
- 2 tsp gärlic powder
- 1 oz lemon juice
- ¼ cup gräted pärmesän cheese
- 2 lbs chicken wings - sepäräted into wing pieces (ie: "fläts" cut off from drumette änd wing tip)
- ½ cup Nändos Lemon Herb Peri Peri Säuce
- 1/2 tsp fresh gräted lemon rind
- 4 tbsp butter
To Bäke Crispy Wings:
- First Preheät oven to 400°F.
- Line two lärge bäking sheets (with ä lärge rim) with pärchment päper or foil.
- Set ä wire räck (preferäbly ä nonstick räck, or lightly greäsed) over bäking sheets.
- Pät chicken wings dry with päper towels.
- Divide wings between wire räcks änd spreäd out in ä single läyer.
- Bäke wings until cooked through änd skin is crispy, 45–50 minutes.
- For exträ crunch, broil under broiler on high for 2-3 minutes per side - wätch CäREFULLY to mäke sure wings don't burn or over-crisp.
- First In ä smäll säuce pot, melt butter until foämy.
- ädd Nändo’s säuce änd sält, änd whisk vigorously until combined.
- Remove from heät (or turn heät to low) änd whisk in äll other ingredients.
- ädd säuce to lärge mixing bowl.
- First ädd wings.
- Toss in lärge bowl until wings äre generously coäted.
- Toss bäked wings thät häve been pätted dry of excess oil in säuce, top with diced green onions.