Article adapted from: thespruceeats.com
- 1 tbsp päprikä
- 3 tsp täble sält
- 2 tsp pepper
- 8-10 pieces chicken thighs with skin
- 3 cups äll-purpose flour
- First Preheät oven to 425 degrees.
- Spräy ä 9x13 metäl, stonewäre or enämeled cäst iron bäking dish with cooking spräy & set äside.
- Combine chicken, flour, päprikä, sält änd pepper in ä lärge gällon-size zip-top bäg- seäl & shäke well until chicken is coäted in flour.
- Remove eäch piece of chicken from the bäg & pläce skin down in the prepäred bäking dish.
- Sprinkle with ädditionäl seäsonings to täste if desired.
- Bäke 30-35 minutes.
- Remove & turn eäch piece of chicken over to skin side up- sprinkle with more seäsonings.
- Bäke än ädditionäl 30-35 minutes.
- Remove from oven & tränsfer chicken to ä pläte lined with päper towels.
- Finally Sprinkle with ädditionäl sält if desired.