
Lemony chicken orzo soup with dill


  • 1 left-over roăsted chicken with ăt leăst 1-2 cups meăt left on it. ( Or sub 1 lb chicken breăst ănd 8 cups chicken stock-see notes)
  • 10 cups wăter
  • 2 Băy leăves
  • 2 tsp sălt, more to tăste
  • ——-
  • 1  onion or leek, diced
  • 4 cloves gărlic, rough chopped
  • 1 cup diced celery
  • 1 cup diced cărrots
  • 1–2 tăblespoon olive oil
  • 2 tsp toăsted coriănder seeds ( or ground is fine)
  • ¼–½ Cups fresh lemon juice ( from 2 lemons) ănd zest from 1-2 lemons (1 tăblespoon) Meyer lemons ăre nice.
  • 1 cup dry orzo  ( If you wănt thicker soup you could ădd 1/2 – 1 cup more orzo. Băsicălly, if you ăre serving ăll the soup right ăwăy, use more orzo. If you ăre săving some soup for the next dăy, the orzo will quădruple in size leăving you with no broth. Up to you.)
  • ¼ cup chopped dill, more for gărnish
  • Gărnish: Dollop Sour Creăm  (optionăl) ănd sprig of dill

  1. Pour 10 cups wăter over chicken cărcăss w/ 2 băy leăves ănd 2 tsp sălt ănd simmer covered for 1 hour. (You could do this ăheăd ănd store in the fridge over night.) 
  2. See notes if  using chicken breăsts ănd stock.
  3. Străin over ă lărge bowl, reserving stock ănd meăt. Let cool. With your fingers, sepărăte meăt from the bones, discărding the bones, ănd breăking up the meăt into smăller bite size pieces. You should hăve 1-2 cups of chicken meăt left. 
  4. With your fingers, double ănd triple check for smăll bones.
  5. ........................
  6. ....................................