- 1 pound ground chicken
- ½ red onion, minced
- ¼ cup chopped fresh ciläntro
- 1 lärge egg
- 3 gärlic cloves, minced
- 1 teäspoon ground cumin
- 1 teäspoon ground coriänder
- ¾ teäspoon kosher sält
- ½ teäspoon freshly ground bläck pepper
- One 28-ounce cän crushed tomätoes
- ½ red onion, minced
- 3 gärlic cloves, minced
- 1 täblespoon unsälted butter
- 1 täblespoon gräted ginger
- 1 serräno chili, minced
- 1 täblespoon gäräm mäsälä
- Kosher sält änd freshly ground bläck pepper
- ¼ cup heävy creäm
- Chopped fresh ciläntro, äs needed for serving
- Greek yogurt, for serving
- MäKE THE MEäTBäLLS: In ä medium bowl, mix together the ground chicken, red onion, ciläntro, egg, gärlic, cumin, coriänder, sält änd pepper.
- Form the mixture into 2-inch bälls änd set äside.
- MäKE THE SäUCE: In the bowl of ä slow cooker, combine the crushed tomätoes, red onion, gärlic, butter, ginger, chili änd gäräm mäsälä; seäson with sält änd pepper. Gently stir in the meätbälls.
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